13 October 2007

Wow I'm a Procrastinator.

This is the front entrance of my beloved Bodenseehof...the entrance to the administration building, anyway. Technically the admin. and dorm buildings are one connected by a hallway, but whatev. :-) Once you go through these front doors there is a LOOOONG hallway and everthing sort of stems off of it (first office, then kitchen, then dining hall, then open lounge and bathrooms, then Honeycomb (cafe, which I work at!), then lecture hall, some storage rooms, and at the very end is the dorm building. I live on the third floor on the back side. I'll work on getting some more pictures of the building though.

The school has canoes and kayaks available for all the students to use so a group of us went out for a ride. Although the Bodensee is really super huge (WAY bigger than Lake Whatcom), it is really rather shallow until you get 50-75 meters out.

On the walk up the hill to Neuschwanstein we passed this little waterfall. I thought it was quite picturesque!

Even with all the fog, the castle was still pretty impressive. I didn't go inside this time, but still felt pretty small and insignificant standing next to it. The creepy, medieval castle effect was definitely enhanced by the cool, clammy whiteness as well ;-)

A little taste of the fall colors...through the fall fog :-)

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