04 October 2007

Getting some feedback...

Hello All!

I am really ridiculously busy at the moment (essay due, reading assignments, knitting circle, German classes, working in the school's cafe, leading a sing team, y'know, the usual ;-) ) but I wanted to pose a question just really fast:

What do you guys want to know about me and me-living-in-Germany?!

There are all kinds of things I could post on here, but I don't want to post things that are just going to bore everyone out of their minds. So comment me back and ask questions! Give suggestions! Anything you guys want to know, just ask!




Anonymous said...

well...even tho i talk to you like a lot...and hearing pretty much anything about germany wouldn't bore you...i guess you could just do basic updates...what you've been doing....how you've been...telling us about the people that you're living with....those kinds of things...mainly because what you're doing is....i need the right word here...but i guess what i'm trying to say is...no matter what you say...it's going to be interesting (the whole being 6000 miles away thing, exploring life and the world...ya know?) hopefully all that makes at least some sense...(it does in my head...but actually getting it into words...not so much)...

Matt Martinson said...

I want to know what you are up to and what you are learning. How is Lorraine being pushed, changed and challenged in the land of Germany.

Oh yeah, rants and good stories are always enjoyable as well!