06 October 2007

Neuschwanstein...for the second time...

Hey there everyone! I just got back to school from our trip to Schloss Neuschwanstein! I went to the castle in July with GAPP, but it was still pretty cool to go back. The weather really didn't cooperate though. TOTAL fog. As in, when we hiked up to the suspension bridge where all of those magnificent postcard pictres are taken from, you couldn't even see 10 feet in front of you...oh well! It was still nice to be there with all my new Bodenseehof peeps and to be able to do some more hiking around than last time. Here are some more pictures...enjoy!

So actually they will be in the next couple of messages. Cause it's dinner time. And I'm hungry!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Lorraine!

Uh did you know that we're both in the same country? How cool is that?! You should talk to me. You can email me at the band's old email address if you want.


Anonymous said...

dude...pictures...i love pictures...you should put some up!!! (and besides...i think that you kinda might maybe totally owe me a few...lol)...
much love my dear!