01 December 2007

More Pictures

You guys are all gonna get super pictured out. There's a ton more comin.
Lovely shot of Big Ben with Westminster Abbey in the background. Classic London!

This is my sing team! We are called The Mustard Seeds. We like to laugh. From left to right it's me, Jordan (went to London with me), Lisi (room mate from Austria), Peter (Kenya), Jenessa (Canada), and Caroline (Kenya).
This is my friend Audrey. Laying in the backyard. All the girls used to do this in clusters back when it was warm enough to be outside for extended periods of time without several layers and extensive physical activity. Super fun.
This is where I do all of my painting! It's actually supposed to be a tea room kitchenette, but I have sort of taken over and everyone just calls it the paint room now. I might have to clean up a little bit now though because they just installed sinks and counters and stuff so people might actually use the room more...bummer. The next pictures are all of paintings I have done since being at Bodenseehof. I probably won't make comments about any of them, but they are some of my favorites...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pip!

Thanks for the additional pictures! They definitely convey more of what you're experiencing in Germany and puts faces to the names of friends you are getting to know better. I thought it was quite interesting that your singing group is named "The Mustard Seed." What a great name! The girls from my office gave me a beautiful necklace that has a mustard seed in it as a reminder to me that with faith the size of a mustard seed (which we all know is pretty small), we can truly move mountains! Praise The Lord! I'll be thinking of you and your singing group too, when I glance down at my necklace from now on! Take care, continue serving God, and enjoy the MANY blessings He has given you! Love you LOTS!! MOM XOXOXO