01 December 2007

The Rest of London...

Ok. Sorry. Long time. Chord. Ugh. Still can't find. Borrow. *Sigh...
This is not in London. This is in my dorm. But I thought I looked like a rock star. Do I look any different from September?!

This is a nice little corner of Stansted Airport where our little gang spent the night. We all basically sprawled on the floor and on that bench. Not so comfortable, but VERY adventurous :-) From left to right, Aymee (Canada), Owen (Florida/France), Alex (Bellevue. Yes, WA), and Jordan (Minnesota).
We were about to cross the real live London Bridge and it got a little windy. Maybe I should go for a real mohawk next time... whaddya think Mom? ;-)

More with the London Bridge. Aymee, Alex, and I.

This is the kitchen of the little house we stayed in. Unfortunately, the hostel we had hoped for was out of rooms so they offered us some rooms in a house that they owned. It was being rennovated and pretty much in the ghetto of London, but it wasn't too bad. Pretty dirty, also not super comfortable, but again, VERY adventurous.

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