26 September 2007

A Couple of Pictures...

So on Saturday I went on an AMAZING hike in the Swiss Alps with all my new buddies...and we saw amazing sites like this. Seriously though, absolutely no picture in the world could really and truly convey the absolute wonder and awe of the place we were...

Again, amazing views...this is looking out over Switzerland in the direction of Germany.

The further into the mountains we hiked, the more intense everything became...and this one was only about half way through the hike. It took us about 3.5 hours to get all the way to the top and about 3 back down...

This is my bunk...complete with my perfect quilt!

P.S. Next weekend our group is all going on another outing to Schloss Neuschwanstein...even though I went there in July, it will be really cool to see again. AND we are hiking up into the mountains around the castle to get some aerial views...and some postcard-esque pictures!

P.P.S. If any of you out there are blog-deficient, but have email, you can shoot me a message at:



Anonymous said...

ausgezeichnet!!! yippeee, pictures....that makes me happy! oh...and definitely loving the one with the quilt! (but that's definitely a given, and i'm kinda biased only cuz i helped make it...but still)...much love my dear!

Anonymous said...

Hey Pip:

Those are awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing them. The mileage you mentioned on your hike reminded me of the "short" hike you took with your cousins and uncles at Mt. Baker during our family reunion. Wasn't it something like 16 miles? You should be an old pro by now! Hopefully you have someone there who actually know's how to get around there. Don't those hills make you think you're on the set of "The Sound of Music?" The pictures sure reminded me of that. Oh, must be my age showing again! Keep bringing us pictures - they make it seem like you're not so far away. I'll bet that quilt (which is beautiful on a bed made up - so nicely I may add) gives you a real sense of comfort. My love and prayers are with you! Carpe Diem