02 April 2007

I, Lorraine Mae Fast, am embarking on the adventure of a lifetime. Wait. Maybe the adventure IS the lifetime. Ya. That's it. Anyway, my life is really starting to blossom and bloom. You see, I will be spending the entire month of July in Germany (with Kathrin, my exchange student from GAPP) trying to soak up as much of the language and culture as possible. This however, is only in preparation for the bigger, slightly more crazy, part of my adventure. I am especially excited as I have been accepted to Bodenseehof, an international Bible School in Friedrichshafen, Deutschland. (Germany, for those of you who don't speak German...) I believe this is God's plan for me right now and am TOTALLY PSYCHED to carry it out! So as you check in on this site over the next several months it is my wish that you connect with me and my adventures and all the exciting stuff God has in store for me...and find a little amusement too!


Brownieshere said...

Im so glad for you Lorraine... I hope you have a blast and for fill gods plan for you... hope to here more about this adventure as you experience it all first hand...



Anonymous said...

I attended Bodenseehof in 1983-84. I had a wonderful time and suspect that you will as well. Viel spass!

J Beachy

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.