13 October 2007

More pictures...

Here I am with 2 of my 3 roommates...on the left is Emily, who was born and raised as a missionary kid in Kobe, Japan...in the middle is Lisi, one of two Austrians at Bodenseehof as students this year. We took a series of Crazy-At-Neuschwanstein pictures but this was definitely my favorite.
I said 'Nice picture' and this is what they gave me. Thanks guys. On the left is Owen and on the right is Alex, who actually lives in Bellevue. Poor him, I know ;-)

See what I mean about the eery fog effect?

Some more of the lovely fall colors...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pip:

I love this picture! Please email it to me so I can print a copy of it! Thanks for posting pictures of the campus and people (including you). It helps to give us a more concrete picture of where you are, who you're interacting with, where you live, etc. Missed you a lot last night!

Love ya,
