12 January 2008

Christmas with the Woodyard Family

Now to the Christmas part! After finally getting back to school from Serbia (it was an 18-hour car ride), Owen and I spent the night, woke up really early, and got on the first of five trains on our way to Montpellier, France, where his parents and little sister live. I spent the last two weeks of break there with them and had a lovely time. Perfect, really. I couldn't imagine a better first Christmas away from my family.
Here I am with Owen and Mary Ann, his little sister.
In their mall (yes, a REAL shopping mall!!! I was SO pumped!) they had this giant pepto-bismal tree set up. It kind of reminded me of the game Candy Land. And kind of made me feel like being sick at the same time :-)
On Christmas Eve Mary Ann and I made gingerbread houses. A few pictures later, you'll see how they turned out...
I even got my own stocking!!!

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