24 December 2007

Lorraine's Current Whereabouts.

Hello everyone!

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

Sorry, I don't have the means to upload pictures right now and I don't know when exactly I will, but I just wanted to let you all know why I haven't been replying to your emails for a week...

I have been in Serbia! Belgrade, more specifically. A team of 10 students from Bodenseehof and 4 staff members all piled into vans and drove from Germany (16 hours! wow!) for a week-long mission trip. We worked with the Roma people (more commonly known as gypsies) who live in the absolute poorest parts in the city. We are talking, living in sheds made up of cardboard boxes and pieces of scrap metal. It was really eye-opening and really really really reminded me of my time in Mexico. Then we all drove back. Another 16 hours. Then I slept in a room at school, woke up early, and hopped on a train (the first of five) with my friend Owen to spend the rest of break with him and his family. And hopefully to learn some French!

I don't know how frequently I will be able to use a computer with internet, but I will be back at school and in the computer lab on January 5th!

01 December 2007

More pictures of paintings.

More Pictures

You guys are all gonna get super pictured out. There's a ton more comin.
Lovely shot of Big Ben with Westminster Abbey in the background. Classic London!

This is my sing team! We are called The Mustard Seeds. We like to laugh. From left to right it's me, Jordan (went to London with me), Lisi (room mate from Austria), Peter (Kenya), Jenessa (Canada), and Caroline (Kenya).
This is my friend Audrey. Laying in the backyard. All the girls used to do this in clusters back when it was warm enough to be outside for extended periods of time without several layers and extensive physical activity. Super fun.
This is where I do all of my painting! It's actually supposed to be a tea room kitchenette, but I have sort of taken over and everyone just calls it the paint room now. I might have to clean up a little bit now though because they just installed sinks and counters and stuff so people might actually use the room more...bummer. The next pictures are all of paintings I have done since being at Bodenseehof. I probably won't make comments about any of them, but they are some of my favorites...

The Rest of London...

Ok. Sorry. Long time. Chord. Ugh. Still can't find. Borrow. *Sigh...
This is not in London. This is in my dorm. But I thought I looked like a rock star. Do I look any different from September?!

This is a nice little corner of Stansted Airport where our little gang spent the night. We all basically sprawled on the floor and on that bench. Not so comfortable, but VERY adventurous :-) From left to right, Aymee (Canada), Owen (Florida/France), Alex (Bellevue. Yes, WA), and Jordan (Minnesota).
We were about to cross the real live London Bridge and it got a little windy. Maybe I should go for a real mohawk next time... whaddya think Mom? ;-)

More with the London Bridge. Aymee, Alex, and I.

This is the kitchen of the little house we stayed in. Unfortunately, the hostel we had hoped for was out of rooms so they offered us some rooms in a house that they owned. It was being rennovated and pretty much in the ghetto of London, but it wasn't too bad. Pretty dirty, also not super comfortable, but again, VERY adventurous.