14 November 2007

London, Part One

Tag! It seems as if I have temporarily (I repeat, TEMPORARILY!) lost my camera-computer-connector chord, so I am going to have to tell about and show pictures from my trip to London in a 3 or 4 part series. Hopefully by the time I have shared all the good pictures my travel buddies took, I will have found my chord and be able to share my own pictures :-)
So the picture featured above (wow. corny voice.) is me. Sitting on a HUGE statue. In Trafalgar Square. There is this giant tower thing in the middle, which you can see the base of in the background, and then these four identical lions positioned around it. At first I saw them from a distance and planned on climbing on their backs for a perfect picture pose, but it turns out that the back was just as tall as I am. That sort of put the caput on that plan, but this pose is a nice alternative :-)

There was an entire monument dedicated to the animals that have served in British wars. If you look close, you can kind of make out the words. I couldn't resist a picture ;-)

In Hyde Park (where the famous Peter Pan statue is!) there were TONS of birds gathering around the side of the river. We didn't have anything to feed them, but I was able to trick them into coming close. It was incredible how not-shy they were...a couple friends even touched them.

I was SUPER excited because we were sitting in Dominoe's Pizza, awaiting the arrival of our first real, thick-crusted, normal-sauced, extra-cheese pizza in almost 10 weeks!

Here I am with my friend Aymee from Canada standing in a real live authentic red British phone booth! It was kind of weird though because these things are ALL OVER the city, but I never once saw a person actually using one...hmm...perhaps they are more novelty-type items nowadays...

Sadly, all for now...but I will seach for more pictures on different cameras AND my own cable!


08 November 2007



05 November 2007

Last week...this week...


Sorry, no recent (decent) pics to share, but I did just finish up a fairly busy (and fairly wonderful) week here at Bodenseehof. Every autumn Bodenseehof has a week of school-wide outreach where everyone in the school is basically put into teams (such as our sing teams and drama teams) and scattered all over Germany to put on English camps, youth group events, and evangelical programs and, well, this past week was it! I (along with my sing team, The Mustard Seeds...for the parable, hello!) was assigned to stick around school and help put on an English camp called 5 English Days. It was for students from the ages of 12-15 and was a nice break in the monotony of 7 straight weeks of lectures. We were able not only to tutor the kids in English, but also sing worship songs, give testimonies, share about Jesus and the Bible, and best of all simply make friends with them. We actually expect a bunch of the kids to show up for Bodenseehof events later in the year and since we are neighbors with a few of them we are planning on doing fun stuff in town with them like going out for ice cream and going to concerts (have any of you heard of Boss Hoss?!). Overall, it was a really great week, hopefully just as great for the kids as it was for all the staff.


THIS WEEK I AM GOING TO LONDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I leave on Thursday evening with a few friends and will be there until Sunday evening. It will be a pretty quick trip, but we have all kinds of exciting things planned and it should be a very grand adventure...look for the pictures!